Another Waste o' Time

My heart is with those who are now flooding city streets, protesting Donald Trump's election…but I really don't see the point. When I've marched for a cause, there has always been some objective: We were trying to get the government to stop a war or we were trying to get a specific law passed or we were trying to get the Motion Pictures and TV Producers to return to the bargaining table and make a deal with our union.

What is the goal here? To express anger and to let everyone know that we think a very bad, dangerous man has been elected? I'll betcha everyone knows there are a lot of us who feel that way. Does someone think that blocking traffic is going to get the election reversed? Cause Trump to step down?

Like it or not, the guy won by what passes for "fair and square" in elections these days. I mean, I think he lied shamelessly about his opponent and probably exploited questionable info leaked to him from Russian sources. That is not cheating. Not in the country that watched those Swift Boat commercials and voted against John Kerry. That's Trump's first achievement as president: There is now nothing that's too coarse or dishonest to say about your opponent. If I ever run against you for public office, you won't believe what I say about you.

Maybe those folks in the boulevards feel good just to be expressing their anger. I understand that but I think it's wiser to save up that anger and that urge to do something. We may need a lot of it the next four years.