Skittle Pool

Have you heard about this Skittles thing? Donald Trump Jr., who sure takes after the old man, is running around trying to tell people that they're likely to get killed by a Syrian refugee if his pop doesn't get elected. It's the old "vote for us or you'll die" scam.

The Junior Trump posted a photo of a bowl of Skittles and wrote, "If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you three would kill you, would you take a handful?" He sees that level of risk as analogous to the risk of letting in Syrian refugees. Obviously, the first problem with that is that human beings are not pieces of candy. But as this article notes, the math is also all wrong.

Your odds of getting killed by any sort of refugee (not just a Syrian one) are one in 3.64 billion, not more like one in thirty or forty as the analogy suggests. We do riskier things all day. Your odds of dying in an airplane crash are like one in 11 million. Your odds of dying in a car accident are a lot worse than that.

Someone will probably do the math on this and try to ask Donald Jr. a question like this: "You want to ban Syrian refugees because of the threat they pose to American lives but the availability of assault weapons pose a threat that is X times as great. Should they be banned, too?" X in that equation would not be a small number. Trump would probably reply, "But we need the assault weapons to protect us from that one in 3.64 billion chance that a Syrian refugee will try to kill us!"