Kevin Drum explains why there isn't and never has been any real scandal in Hillary Clinton's e-mail handling or in the activities of the Clinton Foundation. This is how I feel, too…and I'd throw in Benghazi and certainly this whole ginned-up attempt to convince people they shouldn't vote for her because she's secretly very, very ill.
The first three have been investigated and scrutinized and in some cases, she's even been cleared by Republicans who were repeatedly investigating, hoping to find a smoking gun on their fifth or sixth inquiry. Then on the health front, you have guys like Rudy Giuliani running around, screaming (actually screaming) that she's really on death's door but when pressed, Giuliani had to admit he has no evidence.
It would be one thing if the opposition to her was built on an actual fear or criticism of what she'd do as president. I'm not comfy with some points about her seeming fondness for military intervention and maybe a few other things. But it's like her opponents made one or both of two decisions: That they couldn't beat her on policy and/or that the American people were too dumb to understand that stuff.
No one who's tried to lecture me about the e-mail thing or Benghazi or the Clinton Foundation has convinced me that there's anything there…or even that they would be outraged if the exact same thing was done by their side. And some of these things have been. Colin Powell did much the same thing with his e-mail as Secretary of State and no Republican cares that much. There were deaths aplenty at American embassies during the George W. Bush years and no one cared then or now. The Trump Foundation had all sorts of questionable conflicts along with the added negative of not having done much good for anyone but Trump.
No one cares. If you want to convince me Hillary did something that disqualifies her for the office, at least try to act like it would bother you if your guy did it…and he probably did.