I'm taking the day off from blogging for reasons that you don't need to know. Maybe I'll repost an old piece after I put this up.
Hey, if you want something else to read, the L.A. Times is running a six-part series of articles about a true crime tale involving one truly mad Housewife From Orange County. It's the story of how a married couple (both lawyers) conspired to frame a woman named Kelli Peters to punish her for a minor, imaginary slight against their son. I followed some of this story in real time as it unfolded over a few years and it was bizarre then and it's more bizarre when you read it in this format. Part Six won't be published until Sunday but you can read the first five parts here right now. Or you can just wait for the movie which someone will decide to make of all this. I'm thinking Sarah Paulson's got a job coming.
Harry Enten gives us some good points on following the election, including the advice not to let one "bombshell" poll make you think the election is swinging wildly in a different direction. I would quarrel with his suggestion that you not worry too much about the Electoral College. The Electoral College is what ultimately elects a president, not the popular vote. But it's true that the polls are most accurate when you follow an aggregator who weights and averages them. Back in this message, I pointed you to five of them.
We have a flurry of new articles on the 'net at the moment that explain why many comic book creators of the past were mistreated, exploited and in some cases really screwed over. I endorse the conclusion but not all of the cited examples or all of the facts as presented in the cited examples. I won't link to specific articles because then I'd feel I had to explain what I found questionable in each piece to which I linked and that would take time I ain't got right now. Just remember that if you read it on the Internet, that doesn't mean it's 100% accurate. Unless, of course, it's on my site.
And it's definitely true that I gotta go. Have as good a Friday as you can possibly have.