A reader of this site who didn't specify if I could use his name sent me this in response to what I just posted about Bill Cosby…
I can't tell if you're joking in the last part, but I don't think you are. I'm inclined to believe that if Bill Cosby gets sent to jail for the rest of his life, blind or otherwise, it'll be a deterrent for others to not rape women. If he did it, he should do the time.
I agree, especially since it would be a deterrent not just to rapists but to the kind who think, "I'm too rich and/or important to be punished." It might also give his victims, including any who have never come forward, a bit of closure and satisfaction.
Believe me: Unless Cosby's lawyers can make a helluva case that all those women are lying or they were all deceived by a real good Bill Cosby impersonator, I think the guy should face whatever penalty the law says is appropriate. And the same one as a not-rich, not-famous rapist.
I just would have a hard time sending him or anyone to prison. This is one of the reasons, along with the fact that I don't look good in a black robe, that I'm not a judge. I'd do it but I wouldn't enjoy it except in the way you might enjoy completing any nasty, unpleasant obligation and getting it over with. There are lots of jobs in the world that are necessary and I'm glad there are people to do them instead of me.