An Announcement About Announcements

I plug a lot of stuff on this blog, very little of it things from which I profit. But that's fine. If I come across something that I like, I want to share it with anyone who happens to click their way to this page.

For some reason though, a lot of folks have gotten the idea that this blog is like a bulletin board where you can post whatever you like — or more accurately, they act like they can just send it to me, ask me to post it and I will. The fact that I may or may not endorse the project, book, Kickstarter campaign, event or whatever is irrelevant. They just send me an announcement or a press release and say "Please post this on your blog." A few of them forget the "please."

I used to get one or two of these a week. Lately though, I get two or three a day — sometimes from people I kinda know, sometimes from total strangers. And I've started to get follow-up e-mails from people who sent me items they wanted posted and since I haven't done that yet, they send me another copy (in case I didn't get the first one) and ask how soon their item will appear.

Please stop doing this. I don't think you should be doing this with regard to anyone's non-commercial, private blog but at least don't do it to mine. I will continue to recommend and promote things I come across which I think the readers of this blog might want to know about. But from now on, if you ask me to post something because you want to see it publicized, and you ask me like I'm your intern, I won't do it…ever. And if you're as rude as the last guy was, I might just post about your project to tell the world it's a sucky scam.