
If you think Hillary Clinton is the Anti-Christ in a pants suit, you probably won't want to read this piece by Ezra Klein about her. You'd probably think it was some blind partisan puppet of hers, trying to spin her shortcomings as strengths. Given his past track record, I know Klein's too sharp a reporter to do that. If you like Hillary or might like Hillary, it's an interesting read.

For the record: I like Hillary. I voted for Bernie but I'm fine with Hillary and not just because she's not Donald Trump. I don't like everything she's said or done but if I wait for a candidate who's perfect, I'll never vote again. I think she's smart. I don't think she's crooked. I do think there's something to the theory — which Klein doesn't completely buy — that a lot of the distrust some people have for her flows from the avalanche of phony, baseless scandals and accusations. She was guilty of wrongdoing in Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster (etc.) the same way Barack Obama is guilty of being a gay Kenya-born Muslim who is secretly working to destroy America.

On my plane ride to Vegas two weeks ago, I sat next to a loud Hillary-hater who was lecturing everyone around us about her and we got into a debate which most of the nearby passengers found amusing. Basically, his thesis was that Hillary's been accused of so many things, she couldn't possibly be honest. Somehow, the fact that none of these alleged crimes resulted in indictment or prosecution was, in his mind, proof that she was devious and had blackmailed someone or bribed someone or whatever. Because he knew she was guilty and that was that. One thing I'm not looking forward to in a Hillary Clinton presidency is 4-8 years of that from her opposition.