me on the radio

This is to remind anyone who checks out this blog this evening that I'll be on the radio later.  My buddy Ken Gale is guest-hosting The Hour of the Wolf, a long-running fantasy-oriented radio program which is heard in the wee small hours on WBAI FM in New York.  He'll be asking me about what I jokingly refer to as my career writing comic books and other things.

It runs from 1:30 AM to 3 AM East Coast time, which is 10:30 PM to Midnight where I am on the West Coast. If you're up at that hour, listening to me answering Ken's questions might be among the more interesting things you could be doing, sleep notwithstanding. If you're near New York, dial up 99.5 on your FM dial. If you're not near New York, it'll be streaming on the WBAI website.