Tuesday Morning

Okay, so no criminal charges will be filed against Hillary Clinton in connection with her e-mail handling. This can't surprise anyone. The folks who hate her figure that every time they accuse her of something and she doesn't get indicted, it's because the "fix" was in. It couldn't possibly be because their charges were bogus. The folks who like her are probably sighing with relief. She gets accused of so many things that you can't be sure one of them won't stick. Still, they can't be too surprised either even though this one probably had more substance to it than Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster and several others.

Anyway, I really don't have anything to say about this. The Republicans will scream 'til Election Day that the fix was in. The Democrats will say, "Nothing to see here, let's move on." Such is the way politics works these days.

In other news: Best Buy says my delayed order is "out for delivery." I'm sure you were all dying to hear that. The clock is ticking down 'til Comic-Con starts and once again, I'm looking at all I have to do before then and wondering if there's any way to get them to delay the whole thing for a while. It wouldn't be a big deal. Just put it off for two weeks?

Hey, I have to write a Groo letter column in the next day or so. If you've been thinking of sending us a letter, do it today.

Hope you had a safe-n'-sane Fourth of July. It was real noisy in the evenings no matter where I was this past weekend. Private fireworks in L.A. are illegal but you'd never know that from the racket, which did not sound in any way patriotic. I assume we had the usual instances of fires and personal injuries but that this kind of thing will never stop. Some folks will never give up their amateur pyrotechnics and instead stay inside and watch 1776 and Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Much to do today but there will be more posted here later.