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Matt Taibbi is concerned about people who complain about "too much democracy." The "Brexit" vote and the one that has apparently given Donald J. Trump the Republican nomination seem to some as the rule of stupid people who should not be voting as much as they do. I agree with Taibbi that that's a dangerous way to look at the situation.

But I do think there is such a thing as "too much democracy." It's just not in a government that's supposed to belong to all of us. I've been in private groups that were paralyzed or dysfunctional because too many people had a say. It's like we have to decide whether to serve donuts or cupcakes at the meeting and ninety different people all have an opinion and a right to be heard and suddenly we're spending three hours arguing about crullers — and you can't cut it off and move on to more important matters because, you know, it's a democracy.