Monday Morning

Hey, here's an unlikely thing: Donald Trump firing someone. In this case, it's his current campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who must be responsible for all that has gone wrong. I mean, none of that couldn't possibly be Trump's fault, could it? Of course not.

Jonathan Chait tells us more about it and he mentions something that I hadn't heard before. In his immediate, self-serving response to the Orlando mass-killing, Trump wrongly declared that the shooter was foreign-born. It says here that that's because "staffers had accidentally uploaded the wrong version of the speech into the teleprompters" — or as I spell it, TelePrompters. That sounds like a "blame someone else" fib but I suppose it's possible.

It's interesting to me that (a) Trump has begun to sometimes use a TelePrompter for his speeches instead of rattling off whatever silly thing pops into his mind and (b) it hasn't helped. He's still saying stupid, factually-incorrect things.

Remember when one of the umpteen insults that Obama detractors were hurling at that man was that he uses a TelePrompter? The people who don't like Obama will still say absolutely anything negative about him that comes to mind. He was born in Kenya, he's a Nazi, he's a fascist, he's gay, his kids are adopted, he's a puppet of William Ayers, etc. "He uses a TelePrompter" was how some of them said he really wasn't intelligent. Never mind that he did fine in debates and press conferences without one, he was incapable of uttering a semi-coherent sentence without reading what someone else had written for him.

This was uttered by people who fervently supported and voted for other politicians who often used TelePrompters and/or read speeches written by others. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the charges that Obama was so stupid he needed a TelePrompter were read off TelePrompters. And now here's Donald Trump employing one and none of the folks who thought that proved Obama was kinda dumb for using one thinks that of Donald.

Anyway, I am mystified why Trump is running such a weak, underfunded campaign. You don't have to be an experienced politician to know that you have to at least come close to matching the efforts of your opponent. There are wealthy Trump donors, even if he doesn't have as many as he'd like. So what's the deal here? Saving it all for the Big Finish?