The Roots of Trump

The other night, Sarah Palin was at the premiere of a new film that dismisses the notion of Global Warming as a hyped-up, not-true conspiracy of scientists. We all know how evil scientists are. Bill Nye (aka "The Science Guy") is a target of the film and Ms. Palin announced, "He's a kid's show actor, he's not a scientist" and "He's as much a scientist as I am." Mr. Nye, of course, is a scientist who sometimes has hosted kid's shows when he's not lecturing on science at universities and such. And even if he were not qualified, so what? Nothing he says about Global Warming isn't being said by hundreds of scientists whose credentials are unquestionable.

Well, I take that back. Palin would question them anyway because she lives in a world where anyone who tells you something you don't want to believe is lying. There's our side and there's their side and no matter what the facts say, their side is wrong because it just is.

Therein lie The Roots of Trump.