Recommended Reading

At times, it's seemed like the argument over Obama's foreign policy has come down to this: Obama, at least in more recent years, has decided that there are limits as to what America can do to change things in the most volatile nations, either by spending bucks or expending human resources and weaponry…and his critics see it as weakness that he believes there even are limitations.

Obama's views on foreign policy are explained at some length in this article/interview in The Atlantic. Support for them can be found on many political sites (like in this article) which feature traditional conservative views as opposed to the Trump/Tea Party kind.

It does worry me that whether we wind up with President Trump or the second President Clinton, we're not going to get someone with that reticence to go to war. Based on the Trump, Cruz, Kasich and Rubio kaffeeklatsch last night, we may be about to get an encore performance of the Iraq War with the same advance assurances that it'll be quick, we won't have to send a lot of troops and that they'll be greeted as liberators.