Recommended Reading

Over at the Washington Post, Paul Waldman reports that to the disappointment of many who hoped it would kill or at least impair her presidential run, the matter of Hillary Clinton's e-mail server is not resulting in any sort of criminal charges.

Something might turn up, of course. But as noted here, as long as the Clintons have been in the public eye, their foes have always insisted there was incontrovertible proof of crimes that would send one or both to the pokey within weeks. And the fact that that never happens is then offered as evidence that they're so slippery, they can even escape when someone has them dead to rights. Because it couldn't possibly be that any of those accusations (Filegate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Vince Foster, et al) were bogus in the first place. Maybe someday one of them will turn out to have something to it but I think I'll wait for actual mug shots before I believe, as Ben Carson announced, that Hillary would never be president because she'd be in prison.