Today on Stu's Show!


Remember Gene Rayburn? If you do, you probably recall him as the host of the quiz show, The Match Game, but he did a lot more than that. He was Steve Allen's announcer on the original Tonight (later known as The Tonight Show) and he was an actor. Neil Simon's first play was Come Blow Your Horn and you know who the first actor was who starred in that play? Gene Rayburn. His career has now been chronicled in a book called The Matchless Gene Rayburn (that's an Amazon link, hint hint) by Adam Nedeff. And Adam Nedeff is Stu's Shostak's guest on today's Stu's Show. You'll hear all about Mr. Rayburn and you'll be surprised at all the other things he did besides ask questions to which Charles Nelson Reilly could answer, "Buns."

Stu's Show can be heard live (almost) every Wednesday at the Stu's Show website and you can listen for free there. Webcasts start at 4 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Eastern and other times in other climes. They run a minimum of two hours and sometimes go to three or beyond.  Shortly after a show ends, it's available for downloading from the Archives on that site. Downloads are a paltry 99 cents each and you can get four for the price of three.  By the way: Dumb Dora is so dumb (How dumb is she?) that she thinks Stu's Show is a program where you learn all about ______.