Noah's Art

Willa Paskin discusses why The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is not must-see TV the way The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was for some of us. I don't really disagree with any of her observations, especially the one about how Noah is being judged not against how Stewart was after he was there four months but how he was after he was there sixteen years.

I think some of what's happened on that show post-Stewart has been quite good but Noah lacks a certain connectivity with the viewers that Noah hasn't mastered…and that in fact, most people who have a TV show where they speak mainly to the camera haven't mastered. The new guy also has a weaker bench of correspondents and the show has a tendency to take on topics not the instant they happen but a few days later. When something outrageous happened in the news, Stewart was the guy you went to to see what he had to say. Noah is the guy you go to to see what he has to say that others haven't.

Some of that is, I think, because the current slate of candidates is so outrageous that everyone with their own TV show, blog or Twitter account can now do their own little Daily Show. Another is what Ms. Parkin says about Noah's version being too civil. And some of it is that Noah comes at American politics and customs more like an outsider — and is constantly reminding us of that. He doesn't have the street cred to criticize this country that a guy who grew up in New Jersey had.

I still like him. I'm still Tivoing every episode. I'm not in as much of a rush to watch them as I was when J.S. was in command…but it's still a good show and I won't be the least bit surprised if it gets a whole lot better.