Sorry I wasn't around more yesterday. I had to tend to Knee Stuff, including a few hours on the phone to straighten out various billing confusions. I have pretty good insurance but there's a lot of paperwork that has to be put right.
The knee is slowly getting better. Tuesday, my surgeon took off the dressing and removed the remaining staples. I have to be a little more careful about keeping the incision clean and unbumped but having the staples out seems to be aiding the healing process. I'm still living upstairs in my house, going down and back up sparingly. In a few days though, that may not be much of an issue. I've had a nice crop of friends dropping by to visit.
Not much else to write about. Like a lot of you, I'm appalled at the folks who think that all Muslims are terrorists…or at least should be presumed or treated as such. Has it dawned on these people that when you dream of wiping out all of "the enemy," it helps to not define that enemy as the largest group imaginable? There are 1.57 billion (that's billion with a "b") Muslims on this planet, making up around 24-26% of the world's population. Even if killing every last one of them was morally justifiable, it just might not be possible. Who knows? Maybe a few of them would even fight back.
I have no idea how any of this will impact our presidential election. But I'll bet that before next November, we have a couple more of these "game-changers." In the meantime, Ryan Lizza offers the lesson that "wars are always more complicated than they sound and often create new sanctuaries — which then also, somehow, must be destroyed."
The Hollywood Reporter has had a polling company determine a whole lotta stuff about who watches which late night hosts. Some of it doesn't feel very accurate to me, especially the part about where folks who used to watch Leno, Letterman, Stewart and the old Stephen Colbert have migrated. But give it a look if you're interested. Maybe I'll have more to say about it later.