All the stuff I need to do for my knee plus all the work I have to make up because I was unexpectedly hospitalized leaves me too busy for the next few days to blog the way I'd like. I'm also waaaay behind on e-mail so please understand if you don't get the reply you think yours warrants or don't get it for a while. (The Catch-22 of Blogging: The more you post, the more people want to engage in private correspondence with you…)
For those who asked: Yes, I can walk. No, I can't walk well but it gets a tad better each day. I'm pretty much living upstairs in my house, not going out and making as few trips as possible down and up the steps. In the hospital, social workers and occupational therapists kept coming by to see me and we'd always have this exchange…
THEM: How long is your commute to work each day?
ME: From my bed to my office, about fifteen seconds.
Most of the other questions on their little forms didn't apply to me, either. One woman looked at me like I was daft when she asked me what kind of hours I work and I told her, "Whenever I can or have to." Don't more and more people these days work freelance from home? Why is this so startling?
I won't be posting soup cans for a while but I also won't be posting as much here as I usually post. All will return to normal as my knee does.