Recommended Reading

Jonathan Chait explains how Marco Rubio, in selling his tax proposals, is counting on the fact that Americans don't know how to add. Hey, it's worked before for other candidates. Kevin Drum flat-out calls Rubio a liar.

My right-wing buddy Roger has been telling me that Hillary Clinton will lose because Americans don't trust her. Even if I buy some of the claims against her, who's going to beat her in the integrity category? Rubio, who seems to be deliberately misrepresenting his own proposals? Ben Carson, who says it's "propaganda" that he had an association with that company for which he did all those endorsement videos? Carly Fiorina, who swears by videos and statistics that no one else can see? Donald Trump, who keeps rewriting his own history and insulting whoever points that out? Hey, how about Jeb! Bush, who likes to pretend 9/11 didn't happen while his brother was president and that the Iraq War "kept us safe?"

It's going to be a long 374 days until the election.