Let's Play Password!

We all need to have secure passwords for a lot of things in our lives, most of them online. In this article, two researchers at the University of Southern California, Marjan Ghazvininejad and Kevin Knight, have come up with a way to generate crackproof passwords. It involves creating little poems like…

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I ran that one through this webtool that calculates how long it would take a hacking program to guess the password in question. Assuming a scenario in which the program is making one hundred trillion guesses per second, it would still take 1.12 hundred billion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion centuries to try every combination with that many characters in it. That oughta be safe.

Then again — and I couldn't resist checking this — if you use the same computer program to try and crack the password "Marjan Ghazvininejad," that would take 1.25 thousand trillion centuries. That's not as secure but isn't it enough?