Taking another day off from heavy-duty blogging so I can work on a script. The knee keeps getting better, slowly but surely. It hurts but I'm fully functional as long as I stay in the house and don't attempt any strenuous functions. Today is two weeks since the surgery and I'm about where I expected to be in terms of healing, maybe even a bit ahead.
I've been catching up on shows on my TiVo, including some that have been residing there since before I went into the hospital. I finally watched all of that American Experience documentary on Walt Disney and wasn't too impressed. There was some wonderful rare footage but the film tried too hard (I thought) to tell us what was on Walt's mind each step of the way and what his emotional state was…and I wasn't convinced that the people telling us this had any more idea than I would have by guessing and theorizing. They kept telling us he had no close friends so where did most of these insights come from? And of course, no one could really cover all that history in four hours.
I like what Trevor Noah is doing at the helm of The Daily Show, though he still feels a little like he's guest-hosting. This is a work-in-progress and so far, it's progressing about as well as could be expected. I have the feeling this is going to be a somewhat different show — and not necessarily worse or better — in six months.
Dick Cheney as Speaker of the House? Well, why not? Maybe he can waterboard the Congressfolks who insist on shutting down the government until Obamacare, Planned Parenthood and the entire Democratic Party are eradicated.
I'll be back after I finish more pages. Maybe later tonight.