Thursday Morning


I woke up this morning thinking, "I've got to get ready to go to San Diego." Took a minute or so to realize I was already in San Diego and that I spent several hours last night at the convention.

As Comic-Cons go, this has so far definitely been one of them. It always amazes me each year the first time I enter the exhibit hall that everything is exactly where it was when I left here a year ago. It's like going to Disneyland: The Matterhorn is over there and there's Sleeping Beauty's Castle and there's that overpriced souvenir shop…all right where we left 'em. Brigadoon has reappeared and it's just as you imagined.

Sergio and I drove down together yesterday — which is to say he drove while I navigated using the Waze app on my smartphone. If you haven't tried that in lieu of a plain vanilla G.P.S., you might wanna check it out. Takes a little getting used-to but once you know it, it can be quite helpful.

We stopped for lunch at a terrific seafood restaurant in Dana Point called The Harbor Grill. I mention that as a recommendation to anyone in the area but more so in case the next time I'm back that way, if I forget the name, I can search my blog for "terrific seafood Dana Point" and find it.

Photo by Bruce Guthrie

The hotel didn't have my room ready so I killed much of the time by running into Scott McCloud in the lobby. A few weeks ago I was at a meeting and the receptionist told me she was looking forward to Comic-Con where she would be wearing her Princess Leia costume and hoped to meet (a) the new guy playing Doctor Who and (b) Scott McCloud. I told him that and we tried to figure out what these two people have in common. Frankly, I think Scott would make a fine Doctor Who and if he took over, he could save this lady a lot of waiting in line.

Eventually, the convention happened. A major topic, at least around me, was that our friend Scott Shaw! won't be present for it this year. His table is open, manned by his fine son Kirby, but Scott is home tending to a shattered ankle that must be bad if it's keeping him away from the beloved convention he helped establish. If it were up to me, we'd just postpone the whole con 'til Scott's ankle heals…which I guess explains why it's not up to me. His usual seat on the Quick Draw! game Saturday will be filled by the fine cartoonist, Mike Kazaleh.

And since I have to scurry to a breakfast meeting, that's all you're going to get right now. Off we go…