Today's Video Link

I always tell people who ask that my favorite restaurant, at least for meat-eating, is Peter Luger's Steak House in Brooklyn. I should probably stop doing that because I haven't eaten there in about fifteen years. The few times I've been to New York in that time, I was too booked with other engagements to get out to Brooklyn but I still have fond memories of meals there. (And I frequently dine at Wolfgang's Steakhouse in Beverly Hills, which serves very similiar Porterhouses.)

What makes the steak at Peter Luger's so great? I suspect a lot of it is the quality of the steak they start out with. No matter how you cook at home, you probably don't start out with meat as good as what they buy and you probably don't age it the way they do. In this video, we see the buyer for Peter Luger's going shopping for beef…