Here's a video about how to do Comic-Con correctly. Some of it won't apply to you — I've somehow gotten through 47 of these without ever feeling the need to don a backpack — but a lot of it will. It is important to pace yourself and to prep for the event. The most important thing I think they omit is to prepare a list in advance of panels you want to see and areas of the exhibit hall you wish to visit.
Note what they say about how people sometimes attend the panel before the one they want to see just to get a good seat. I think it was last year at Quick Draw! where on a whim, I asked the audience how many of them just sat through the previous panel so they could make sure they got in for Quick Draw! More than half the hands in the room went up. An awful lot of people attend Quick Draw! and then my Saturday Cartoon Voices panel as a double feature.
There's very little turnover in the room between them. This is because I've learned the secret of how to draw big crowds to your panels at Comic-Con: Pack them with people who are more talented than you are. Here's the video…