I don't have anything to say about the shooting in Charleston that will surprise anyone. The kid who killed those people said he wanted to kill black people and try to start some sort of race war. Everything that is known about him is consistent with that motive. And you have politicians and pundits turning backflips to try and spin it in some way that's more comfortable for them or useful for their personal causes. Has Donald Trump started explaining how this proves that he should be president? If he hasn't, he will. Let me know when someone is out there saying this proves Global Warming is a hoax.
Jon Stewart was terrific last night and Larry Wilmore was even better. Stewart's opening speech is all over the 'net today but if you missed Wilmore's, you can view it here. Both men were very powerful and very wise but that wisdom will not reach the ears of those who today have pillows jammed up against their ears in a desperate attempt to not hear that maybe racism was in any way to blame.
I'm not going to write any more about this because I'll just be repeating what so many others have said…and because the people who need to hear it won't. It's just so sad that so many people think racial hatred is only something that happens to people of their own color.