Pretty Pictures

The San Diego Central Library is about to open an exhibit called The Art of Comic-Con, a gallery of artwork done over the years in connection with Comic-Con International. I would imagine it's mostly art done for the souvenir book or advertising and it's by some wonderful artists. My partner-in-crime Sergio Aragonés will be appearing at the opening reception, which is this Saturday from Noon to 2 PM. Sergio did an amazing cover for the con's 40th anniversary book, Comic-Con: 40 Years of Artists, Writers, Fans and Friends! and they'll be unveiling an unusual and somewhat large display of that work of art.

The exhibit runs through the end of August so if you happen to be in San Diego before then — say, for Comic-Con in three weeks — you might want to pop over and take a gander at it, especially since admission is free.

The San Diego Central Library is located at 330 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101 which is — I just Google Mapped it — six-tenths of a mile from the convention center so it's eminently walkable. More details are available here.