Dan Gheno has become our unofficial reporter on the status of the marquee of the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York. As you can see, a temporary structure adorned with CBS logos is up there for now. Stay tuned to this blog for further updates.
In other news of the neighborhood, the Carnegie Deli a block away has now been closed for more than a month due to…well, it's a complicated story possibly involving some sort of illegal theft of public utilities. Since I mentioned this, several of you have e-mailed to recommend better delicatessens in New York…which might matter to me if I had any plans to be in that town in the next few months.
Yes, I am well aware there have always been better delis in that town than the Carnegie — Katz's, to name one. I would also prefer the Second Avenue Deli if only it weren't all way over on Second Avenue where I never have occasion to roam. Katz's is out of the way, too. When you're in town for a limited time and rushing from meeting to meeting and trying to see as many shows as you can, you sometimes have to settle for the eighth best deli or the twelfth best place to get pizza. My two favorite places to eat when I'm back there are Peter Luger's Steakhouse in Brooklyn and the Grand Central Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station…and I can rarely squeeze in both during any one trip. Some year, I hope to spend a month or two in New York and go to all the places (only a few of which are places to eat) that I've always wanted to go to. Some year…