Flash Black

Ted Cruz got in some trouble the other day for telling a joke about Joe Biden…

While speaking at a GOP dinner in Michigan on Wednesday, Cruz delivered an oft-told stump speech line poking fun at Biden, mentioning his name and then saying, "You know the nice thing? You don't need a punchline," according to the Detroit News.

"Honestly, it works," Cruz said, according to the news report. "The next party you're at, just walk up to someone and say, 'Vice President Joe Biden' and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing."

Immediately after the speech, Cruz knew he'd erred when several people reminded him that Biden's son, Beau, had just passed away from brain cancer. Cruz promptly issued an apology.

Okay, here's the thing: Isn't this Lewis Black's joke? I don't remember where he did it but I'm pretty sure he did that joke a few years ago about one of our previous veeps, the eminent Dan Quayle.

I just sent a question about this to Mr. Black, who'll be on Bill Maher's show Friday night.