Today's Great News

As I'm sure you've heard, Ireland has legalized Gay Marriage by a pretty resounding majority vote. One hopes that opponents of that kind of thing in this country will realize that if that's the view of a nation as solidly Catholic as Ireland, that's the way the civilized world is headed and it ain't going back.

For years now, we've been hearing foes of Gay Marriage tell us that it will lead to the destruction of Straight Marriage, waves of Polygamy and men marrying cocker spaniels — all this then trumped by an angry God sending hell and damnation unto us all. Shouldn't there be a Statute of Limitations on those kinds of warnings? It's been eleven years since Massachusetts began allowing same-gender couples to wed. There have been no reports of Straight Marriage going bye-bye and no evidence of Polygamy replacing it, nor has The Lord rained down burning sulfur on Boston. How long is this supposed to take and at what point does intellectual honesty require that its prophets admit that maybe it just might not happen?