Recommended Reading

In the last few weeks, most of America seems to have finally admitted out loud that the Iraq War was a colossal, spectacular mistake. The debate is no longer if it was a screw-up but if it was an understandable screw-up, one that anyone could and did make, given what was supposedly the best intelligence at the time. In other words, was it anyone's mistake or everyone's mistake? — the implication being that if it was everyone's, then no one in particular is to blame.

Personally, I think it was someone's mistake, starting with the guy whose desk should have still had Harry Truman's little plaque about how "The buck stops here." And I think it was the mistake of most of the guys around him, all of whom should be deemed too incompetent to ever be allowed near our foreign policy again. Alas, many of them are now advising his brother in his quest to sit behind that desk.

There are a lot of articles around about how disingenuous and weasely it all is but the best I've seen is this one by Matt Taibbi. He reminds us not only how full of manure our "leaders" were about it all but how eager the press and the alleged Opposition Party were to help spread said manure.