Jon & Judy: The Director's Cut

Okay, it turns out there is an extended (full) version online of the discussion on last night's Daily Show between Judith Miller and Jon Stewart. The portions that were trimmed for broadcast are mostly near the end of it and they show Stewart being somewhat harder on Ms. Miller and her being somewhat worse at defending her reporting. That's probably the opposite of the way most shows would have edited the interview and I wonder if it was deliberate.

In any case, here's a Comedy Central embed. These can get funky at times so if it doesn't play — or if it does weird things to this page and I have to delete it, here's the link to watch it at the Daily Show site. If you saw it on the broadcast, be aware that it's not that much longer but there are a few new exchanges of note. Boy, I wish all interviews on TV could be like this — an actual discussion of issues — instead of just trying to generate a slap fight to attract viewers…