Wednesday Morning

It's going to be interesting to have Bernie Sanders in the presidential race. Folks who thought Bill Clinton and Barack Obama represented the Far Left are going to have a hard time figuring out how to describe Sanders, who comes a lot closer to that label. I gather we'll hear that a President Sanders would implement total Soviet Communism and make us all eat nothing but borscht.

I have this e-mailbox that just collects mail sent to me by political websites where I have to sign up, which I do under a bogus name and special e-mail address. Right now, it's full of calls to arms because the Federal Government has troops training in Texas to implement martial law all across America, suspend the Constitution and enslave us all. This is all part of Obama's secret plan to suspend the constitution so he can have a third term and a fourth and a fifth and a ninth. You get the feeling that the folks who buy all this are the same folks who fire off their banking info when they get one of those e-mails that tells them some lottery they never heard of has twenty million bucks waiting for them?

I erred the other day here to suggest Alan Cumming is not a CBS star. He is, of course, on The Good Wife. If I'd ever watched that show, I might have known that. In any case, I don't think his co-hosting the Tonys has the same promotional value that would result from, say, James Corden hosting it.

I have nothing to say about the Baltimore rioting except that Jon Stewart's right. Why are people running around saying, "Nothing like this has ever happened before in a major American city"? It's happened before, it'll happen again and they'll say that again. It's so nice to be living a post-racial America.

Yesterday, I was in a Costco where I was disappointed — as I have been my last few visits to one — that nothing happened to yield an interesting blog post here. I did notice this, though: My doctor has me on one of those aspirin regimen programs where each day, you take a baby (81 mg) aspirin. I was going to buy a new supply of them but I realized a problem with the two different mega-sized packages that Costco offers. There was one that contained a two-year supply of one-per-day pills — two bottles each containing 365 pills. The package carried an expiration date of 07/16 meaning that almost half the pills will expire before I get around to taking them. The other package offered had a similar problem. It expired three months before I'd use up all the pills in it. I can't be the first person to notice this.

This coming Sunday evening, MeTV — the channel I like to believe was named for me — is rerunning the entire, historic final episode of M*A*S*H…and just because it's not quite long enough on its own, they're adding in some interviews with the cast and crew. I only saw that show the first time it aired, which was when every single human being who was ever alive on this planet watched it at the same time. I recall it as being really good…longer than the Korean War itself but really good. I've set my TiVo to record it so I can see if it's still really good when interrupted by commercials targeted for people born on or before the day of Harry Morgan's birth.