I am a lousy correspondent, one who is helplessly behind in e-mails. A few weeks ago, I had a problem with my e-mail and I wasn't receiving every one that was sent to me. I am embarrassed to admit that I think I solved that snag. Right now, if you write me and I don't respond, the reason is almost certainly me. I just get way too many and I get behind and I probably become too quick to think, "Well, this one doesn't need a reply." I shall try to do better.
One thing you can do that will help if you want a reply is this: Make sure you have your name on your message. I get an awful lot which are signed only with handles. I generally don't answer those. In some cases, I think some folks think everyone should just automatically know or remember who they are by their handles and often, I don't. (A big peeve of mine is people who call you on the phone and when you answer, they just start talking, assuming you'll recognize their voice even though they only call you every few months or even less often. For some reason, most of the friends who do this to me are guys named Bob.)
In other news: This blog is approaching 22,000 postings. Some experts who oughta know tell me that WordPress can handle a quantity that huge just fine, whereas others who oughta know tell me that may well be the cause of some of our occasional crashes here. So I'm pondering that at some point soon, I may just move the first ten years of newsfromme over to a separate, static blog that will serve as an archive of it, thereby whittling things down here to a more manageable size. The drawback to that would be that if you wanted to search for an old message, you'd have to search two separate blogs…though there may be a way around even that.
Anyway, I'm just thinking about this now. If someone who really knows WordPress has a better idea, I'm open to it. If you're going to phone me with your suggestion, please identify yourself when I answer. Especially if your name is Bob.