Here's a news story about Ray Bradbury's former home being torn down.
I absolutely understand the sense of loss people have over something like this. I have very happy memories of that building and of its owner but I don't offhand see any practical scenario to preserving it. Ray's family has the right to unload it and stop taking care of it and to get the selling price, which the story says was $1.76 million. If the purchasers instead of tearing it down were to move in and remodel it to suit themselves, it would still become their house and the connection to Ray would still be very faint. I can't see anyone wanting to tour it…or if people did, for the owners to be burdened by that.
Some would say it should be preserved…but who would preserve it and for what purpose? Ray's artifacts and papers and memorabilia should be preserved and perhaps exhibited but that's not what's being torn down here. I saw someone on one forum suggest it should be a museum. I can imagine someone — I dunno who — raising the funds to establish a Ray Bradbury Museum. I'd even kick in for that but if there was to be such a place, there are much, much better locations for it…like a building designed to be a museum or at least a public facility. That house is in a crowded residential area with, as I recall, terrible parking without having a museum there.
I'm trying to not to be callous here. I just don't see how else this story could have ended.