Okay, I'm really going to try not to blog today after I post this. Too much to do. I also have a whole bunch of these soup can graphics to use up. Here are a few quick thoughts before I go…
I watched Peter Pan again, albeit with one eye while training the other on computer maintenance tasks. I liked him (Mr. Walken) a bit more and I liked her (Ms. Williams) a bit less. One of my problems with Walken though is I like a Captain Hook you can hiss and boo and then feel some joy when he's defeated. There was something kinda sad about Walken's Hook. He was acting defeated before he was defeated. Also, I think there's something wrong with a musical in which wires get more screen time than Kelli O'Hara.
Today is the first weekday in a while when I haven't seen a new bit of bad news for Bill Cosby. Then again, it's still morning.
There are settings in most browsers that will allow you to filter out porn on the Internet. I'd like a setting that prevents me from seeing offers of boxed DVD sets of TV shows I liked until such time as I've watched the boxed DVD sets of TV shows I liked that I already have.
The internal injuries to my knee, sustained a week ago this evening, are healing nicely. The epidermis, however, is not so it's off to the Dermatologist this afternoon. I seem to have found the only Dermatologist on Wilshire Boulevard who's more concerned with the health of one's skin than its appearance. See you later.