Le Grande Tour


I may be wrong but I think there is at least one TV show that I often watch that John Cleese is not appearing on these days to plug his new book. He's blanketing the nation and making a bunch of appearances in Los Angeles each week — I'll be in the audience for one of them — and then he's following me to Florida for the Miami Book Fair.

Traveling with him is an old pal of mine, Kim "Howard" Johnson, who is the undisputed world expert on Monty Python, author of several books about them and even about other great humorists. That's Kim on the right above. He sometimes works as an assistant or collaborator or aide or pimp for one or more of the Pythons and as he journeys with Mr. Cleese, he sometimes writes about it on his blog but more often on Twitter. Should you have even a seventh of the interest I have in John Cleese, you might want to follow Kim around, too.

Hey, Kim! How often does Cleese check into the hotel and the desk clerk or manager makes a remark about how they hope he won't have a "Fawlty" stay with them or some such reference?