Mushroom Soup Friday


Much to do today so I won't be blogging at my usual fevered pace. I have to figure out what it is I do on Groo so I can do it for the issue we're working on at the moment. The other day, I overheard someone say "I always either do the right thing at the wrong time or the wrong thing at the right time" and I thought, "There's a little Groo in all of us."

Oh, a correction: I said back here that Johnny Carson did his last show on Friday, May 22, 1992 because that was the night the May "sweeps" rating period ended that year. Actually, as a couple of folks have informed me, sweeps periods always end on a Wednesday so Carson's last two shows with their monster ratings were not included in the sweeps for that May. Sorry I erred but as a wise man just said, there's a little Groo in all of us.

Last night, John Oliver was a surprise guest host on The Daily Show even though Jon Stewart was on the premises. Stephen Colbert is facing a long period of being off the tube between the time he does his last Colbert Report and the time he debuts in Mr. Letterman's timeslot. I'm wondering if he might not turn up now and then hosting The Daily Show as a means of keeping his face before the public…and whether he'd do it as his right-wing character.

Yesterday, I got one of those calls from a contractor (or someone fronting for one) who started off by saying, "I spoke to you last March and you said to give you a call back about now because you'd be ready for us to give you an estimate on some work you wanted to have done." When I get one of those, I immediately tell them they're lying and I don't do business with people who try to start a relationship by lying to me. The guy came back with an interesting response. He said, "All contractors lie to you. You don't think the estimates they give you are lies?" Well, mine doesn't lie but the caller may have been more accurate than not. See you later.