Richard Schaal, R.I.P.


One time when I was on Stu's Show, Stu Shostak and I came up with a trivia question we had trouble answering for ourselves. Was there anyone who had guest-starred on all three of the following shows: The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Bob Newhart Show? Before we could come up with an answer, a listener e-mailed with an obvious one: Richard Schaal.

Of course Richard Schaal was on those three shows. Richard Schaal was on every show of the sixties and seventies…or at least it seemed that way. He was occasionally a regular, more often a recurring character and most often a one-shot guest actor. There were shows that brought him back several times to play different people. Why? Because he was so good.

I never met the man but I saw him so often, I feel like I knew the guy. He died the other day at the age of 86 but will live on forever…on TV Land, Antenna TV, MeTV, etc.