Stuff I Don't Get


Each Saturday evening now, NBC is rerunning an old Saturday Night Live episode cut down to 60 minutes. Last night, they ran one hosted by Christopher Walken that first aired April 8, 2000. This was announced on a title card along with the statement that "It was his first time hosting."

It wasn't. As you can see here, it was his fourth time hosting. How does a mistake like this get made? I mean, if someone in Lorne Michaels' office didn't know it, couldn't they take the five seconds it took me to Google and verify they were wrong? The show had to be edited so someone had to watch it. Didn't someone notice that Walken's monologue began with him saying how happy he was to be back hosting Saturday Night Live again?

This has been another episode of Stuff I Don't Get. Why do I even bother doing this? Well, that's something else I don't understand…