Mushroom Soup Tuesday


An unexpected landslide of Things To Do forces us to declare today a Mushroom Soup Tuesday, meaning that I post a neat graphic of a can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup, then tend to matters more important than this blog. Of course, they're only more important in terms of me meeting deadlines for work and getting (occasionally) paid for it. Nothing is more important than blogging for your dining and dancing pleasure, dear followers.

The second part of the story I started on Sunday will be along shortly.

Yesterday was supposed to be the day we found out if the highest court in this land would announce whether or not they'd take on the infamous Jack Kirby matter but that was settled on the (Supreme) courthouse steps. Instead, the Big News was just that they wouldn't take on current cases regarding the legal propriety of Gay Marriage, thereby clearing the way for it to become legal in five states plus, soon, six more.

As you probably know if you care at all what I think, I think it's insane and cruel to deny two consenting adults of any race, creed or gender the right to wed. I'm glad that's becoming the norm though I still kinda wish it had happened in some of those states by a vote of the people instead of judicial interpretation. Having it happen by court decisions is fine insofar as making it the law of the land. A few balloting victories here and there would have made it more palatable to some.

I cruised some right-wing websites after the decision not and saw an awful lot of "This fight isn't over yet." Like me, they all want to see it put to a vote of the people. Unlike me, they think they'd win everywhere. All these same people a year or two ago looked around their local communities, "unskewed" what few polls they consulted and waited eagerly for the Mitt Romney landslide.

We may never know how a "Vote of the People" would go on this issue. Those who favor Gay Rights have no reason to make that happen. They're getting what they want. Those who oppose Gay Rights have a lot to lose: The certainty that they have a majority of Americans on their side on this issue. I think they might be surprised…except maybe in the reddest of red states. But I also think it's highly likely we'll never see that vote take place.

Gotta go. Sergio is coming over for a Groo story conference. He'll be here in six minutes…or fifteen if he stops off to draw the issue before he arrives.