My Latest Egg-Speriment


I haven't had great luck with products that are As Seen On TV but every so often on a whim, I try another. The other night in a CVS Pharmacy, I spotted the Easy Eggwich, a device that's supposed to let you cook a perfectly round egg — one that would fit right on a bagel or English Muffin — in sixty seconds. "Why not?" asked I.

Well, one possible reason not was that it's $9.95 for a box of two Easy Eggwich cookers, each of which looks like it cost about eight cents to make…and I realized too late that I probably own a dozen Microwave-safe Rubbermaid containers that could do the same thing. But hey, if it works, maybe it's still worth it.

And it does work. You crack an egg into the thing, put on the lid, place it in the ol' microwave for sixty seconds and — Presto! Change-o! — a round, microwaved egg! You can get fancy and add in some cheese or onions or bacon or, as I did this morning, diced ham. But yeah, it's a fast, easy way to make an egg sandwich. I'm currently experimenting with egg whites from a container and that seems to work fine, too.

It enables me to make something that is darn near impossible to find these days: A breakfast sandwich without cheese on it. For some reason, chefs think Americans will not consume an omelet without cheese or a sandwich without cheese. I have had times when I ask, clearly and politely, for no cheese and they think, "Hmm…this guy wants extra cheese." I am fine with cheese on pizza or in lasagna. I even like a good grilled cheese sandwich now and then. But I don't like it on everything.

So my Easy Eggwich cookers are proving useful enough that I can overlook the price. It's been a while since anything As Seen On TV has worked…and that includes at least a dozen actors I know.