Now On Sale!


I must be the only author on the Internet who forgets to remind you when he has stuff out you can buy. Not long ago, I wrote a four-issue mini-series of Rocky & Bullwinkle for IDW. It was expertly drawn by Roger Langridge and the four issues have now been collected into a nifty paperback. If you're fond of the old Jay Ward cartoons and want to read a comic book adaptation by guys who are just as fond of those shows are you are, this is the book for you. It can be ordered from Amazon here.

Also on sale now is the second issue of the long-awaited (and I mean long) mini-series of Groo Vs. Conan. I'm not sure what I did in this series but I did something and I seem to be a character in it, along with my partner Sergio Aragonés, the world's greatest barbarian hero and the world's stupidest barbarian hero. Pick one up wherever you buy comic books…and if they don't carry it, insult the owner to his face, walk out of his shop and never go in there again.

I have more things coming out which I'll probably forget to plug here because I'm too busy getting you to go see Frank Ferrante.