Wednesday Evening

The news that Mitt Romney may run again reminds me of joke that Mort Sahl (I think it was) told in 1961. It went like this: "Looking ahead to 1964, the Republicans are thinking of running Richard Nixon again so they won't have to break in a new loser."

I agree with what Jon Stewart said last night. At times, I don't think Fox News is the right-wing channel so much as it is the haven for white people who think the whole world's supposed to go their way on every issue. The whining and outrage about folks wanting to acknowledge that there are other holidays adjacent to December 25 is a dead giveaway.

I recently read Behind the Curtain: An Insider's View of Jay Leno's Tonight Show by Dave Berg, who is no relation to the guy in MAD who used to do "The Lighter Side of Staple Removers" and other controversial articles. This Mr. Berg worked on the show for years and since he had a political background, was very much involved in the booking of politicians who came on. I found the book pleasant but not particularly packed with revelations.

Berg is a big fan of Leno (as am I) and he doesn't dig any real dirt because, and this corresponds to what I've always heard, there wasn't much. A few guests' misbehavior is about the extent of the scandals. He does go through the whole Jay/Conan mess and his version matches my understanding: NBC made a series of bad decisions and Jay unfairly wound up looking like the Bad Guy. If you're interested in reading that and the rest of the book, you can order one here.

Lastly: Posting, I know, has been light here lately. I have a few longish pieces in the works so it will all average out.