Twenty-two artists — well, 21 plus me — gathered yesterday at Meltdown Comics in Hollywood to sign copies of The Sakai Project, a glorious new book that (a) celebrates the work for our colleague Stan Sakai and (b) raises bucks to assist him with assisting his sadly-ill wife, Sharon. The artists signed the pages they drew to salute Stan and I signed the foreword I wrote.
We were supposed to be there from 4 PM to 6 PM but by six, the line was still very long so we didn't escape until well after seven. We signed an awful lot of copies. If you are thinking you might ever like to own a copy of this book, I would get one now when it's, depending on where you buy it, $35 to $45. I see someone already has a copy we all signed yesterday up on eBay and is asking $200 as a starting bid. I'll bet they get it, if not now then soon.
I will not attempt to list all the artists who were at the signing and are in the above photo. All I know is that they are all very good, they are all very generous with their time and they were all parked so as to block my car in the parking lot. I forgive them for that because they were a part of this wonderful volume.