Work is soon to start on a massive expansion of the convention center in San Diego. Assuming Comic-Con remains there after the current contract expires, which is what I assume, it will allow even more people to attend and for those who do attend to not be as crowded. However, according to this article, there could be some inconvenience before the expansion is completed.
By the way: I may be alone in this but this year, though there were theoretically as many admissions as ever, the hall did not feel as crowded to me as it usually does. Now, granted…
- I am 6'3" and rather wide and I walk with great purpose and a GUEST badge on my chest. So even with my imperfect knees, I may still have an easier time getting around that hall than others.
- I'm upstairs a lot doing panels. I didn't even set foot in the main hall on Sunday. And…
- I have the good sense to stay away from some of the more congested areas, especially those relating to gaming and videogames. There's a reason it's impossible to get through those aisles and this is it: They want it that way. The gaming exhibitors want everyone in the business to see that their product is so hot and awesome that their booth is mobbed all day…and they design their exhibitions and plan giveaways with that in mind. It would not surprise me if booth managers have been fired because it was possible to get through the aisles around their display. Don't venture over there and then complain to me that it's impossible to move. That's like going to a Gallagher concert and whining that you got watermelon juice all over your pants.
I have more to say about Sunday at the con and about the con in general. I'll try to finish up the report later tonight.