Hall H

I have a number of messages asking me what I think about the new line procedures to get into Hall H at Comic-Con. What I think is that in all my years of Comic-Congoing and being involved in programming, I have never set foot in Hall H and so have no interest in it. (Hall H is where they have most of the "big" presentations involving Hollywood and, once in a very great while, comic books.) I was once asked to moderate an event in there but it conflicted with another I preferred doing so I have no experience with any aspect of Hall H other than that its line sometimes snakes through where I want to walk.

I do have an observation though, which is that for a lot of congoers, Comic-Con International is all about Hall H, Ballroom 20 over at the Hilton and, once in a while, a "big" media-oriented panel in 6BCF. And that's really it. They couldn't care less about anything that happens in a smaller room because it's not likely to involve Current and Forthcoming Movies and TV Shows. I have visited websites that discuss the con as if the other aspects of it don't exist.

Which is fine. One point that I often make to people is that Comic-Con is like a dozen different conventions all occurring at the same time and you kinda have to find the one that interests you. Go to the right parts of the hall and attend the right panels and it's a Gaming Convention. Or it's an Anime Convention. Or it's all about Game of Thrones. This year, being the 75th anniversary of Batman, I think you could attend a decent Batman Convention there for four days.

There are also a couple of conventions happening outside the hall, attended by thousands and thousands of people who couldn't score badges to get inside. Lots of fun things out there, too.

After the con each year, people send me a lot of complaints about their experiences. And I would say that at least half the time, what seems to be the problem is that they got upset or distracted by all the goings-on there that weren't of interest to them. They sound like me ranting because a delicatessen serves cole slaw…and they need to get over the fact that the convention is not run just for them.

I'm fine with all that as long as I can find a convention in there I want to attend. And so far, I've been to every single one of those San Diego gatherings since they commenced in 1970 and I've always found the convention I wanted to attend. Sometimes lately, it's hiding behind a whole group of people dressed like Storm Troopers and/or Princess Leia but it's always there. Someplace.