I probably write way too much here about food and especially fast food. Neither topic is as large a part of my life as it is on this blog. Nonetheless, I will in a day or two post a piece about various barbecue restaurants I've visited in and around Los Angeles.
In the case of "fast food," I probably have it once or twice a month at most. I think the less I have it, the fussier I am about what I eat. So I was interested in a series of articles over at Consumer Reports about the world of fast food. On the best list for burgers, my favorite — Five Guys — finished near the top. Then again, it finished just behind In-and-Out, which I no longer like, and they put Carls Jr and Burger King ahead of McDonald's, which I think is backwards.
Five Guys not only finished near the top of the Best List, it also — probably for a lot of the same reasons — finished near the bottom in the category of Healthy Places. Subway was at the top of that list and I guess that makes sense…but those places sure don't feel like healthy places to eat. And Subway may have healthy food but it didn't make the Top 11 on the list of Cleanest Fast Food Restaurants.
Anyway, there are a lot of opinions over there if the topic interests you. And it interests me, though maybe not as much as you'd think from this blog.