Me and Time-Warner

My problems with Time-Warner e-mail not only continue but they have worsened. As you may remember, e-mail that is sent to my domains is automatically forwarded to my Time-Warner account where, in theory, it should be immediately available for reading and downloading by me. I became aware that some of it was not getting there for several hours.

No one at Time-Warner could do much more than keep me on hold for hours so I decided to do a workaround. I opened a Yahoo! account and configured things so my messages were simultaneously forwarded to the Time-Warner account and to my Yahoo! account. The result? They all show up promptly in my Yahoo! account but about a third of them show up much, much later in the Time-Warner account.

Last Monday, we sent the first issue of the Groo Vs. Conan mini-series off to press. That morning, its editor at Dark Horse Comics sent me an e-mail that he desperately needed one thing from me and he needed it by 11 AM. He sent this message at about 10:15 AM, I got it via Yahoo! at 10:16 AM and promptly sent off the needed material. I received his message via my Time-Warner account at 8:50 PM that evening. See the problem?

Several folks who work for Time-Warner around the country have unofficially told me the problem has to be that they have a server somewhere that is malfunctioning. I asked them all if I could possibly be the only person with this problem and they all, independent of one another, answered no. One wrote, "You're probably just one of the few who's noticed. They'll need an avalanche of complaints before they take it seriously."

Okay. Well, I've spent too many hours on the phone talking to Time-Warner employees who either weren't the person who might fix this snafu or weren't especially interested. Since I have a workaround and it doesn't cost me anything extra, I'm going to just live with the situation and get my messages via Yahoo! But I'll continued monitoring the Time-Warner account and see if the problem is ever fixed. If you get your mail via Time-Warner, you might want to take a close look at those time stamps.