Middle-of-the-Night Mystery

So in the middle of the night, some part of my brain became aware that I was dreaming of June Foray's Emmy acceptance speech in June of 2012. Why I was dreaming of that, I had no idea but after a few more moments, I became aware that I was not dreaming of that speech. I was hearing that speech. I woke up some more and realized it was coming from my iPhone on the bedside table. I have on it a video of that event and the iPhone was running it though I had not told it to do that.

I turned it off and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, there it was again.

This time, I not only turned it off, I got up for a little while, did some e-mail, posted the previous post on this blog and went back to bed.

An hour or so later, there was music. My iPhone was playing a tune from an Internet radio feed. I turned it off and went back to bed. A little while ago when I awoke for the final time today, my iPhone was running an audioless map app I have on it.

Something similar to this happened to me at the hotel in Anaheim when I was there for WonderCon. My iPhone kept acting like a ghost — or me doing the smartphoning version of sleepwalking — had hit some buttons. I ruled those out and came to the conclusion that it had something to do with the hotel alarm clock, which in Anaheim was iPhone-friendly. So is the one in the hotel here. But there are problems with that theory…

  1. The alarm clock allows you to set it to wake you up by playing some audio file on your iPhone…but you have to have your iPhone plugged into the docking station of the clock. In neither hotel did I ever put my iPhone into a dock and there is no indication that these bedside devices have any capability to send wireless commands.
  2. Also, in both hotels, my iPhone was lying on one bedside table — plugged into an outlet — while the alarm clock device was on the other bedside table.  So they'd have to have a bit of a range.
  3. The alarms were not enabled on the alarm clock devices at either hotel. They had, however, been set to times close to the times when I first heard the iPhone making inexplicable sounds.

I did some Googling and didn't find anyone else who'd ever had this experience once, let alone twice. I considered other causes and could only come up with one other remote possibility: In both cases, the iPhone was connected to the hotel's Wi-Fi. Could that have something to do with it? It doesn't seem likely to me but I don't have anything that seems much likelier.

Tonight, I'm going to try unplugging the alarm clock and maybe I'll take my phone off the hotel Wi-Fi. But if anyone reading this has a better theory, I'd be eager to hear it. Maybe Texting Gremlins —?

Big Secret


Ignore the stamp for a moment in the above image.  Beneath it is an idealized photo of your basic McDonald's hamburger. They fluffed the bun up and put something extra under it to make it ride tall on the burger. They artfully applied the condiments to make them hang ever-so-slightly over the edge. But it's not too unrealistic a depiction of the basic burger I've always had when sashaying through them Golden Arches.

They say it's a juicy 100% beef patty simply seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper, tangy pickles, minced onions, ketchup and mustard, and that's close. I might quibble with "juicy" and "tangy" but okay. It is what it is…and what it is is a Dependable Known Quantity. If you order one and you don't like it, you're probably at fault. I can't recall the last time I had one that wasn't exactly as it was supposed to be.

In my teens and twenties, I ate them about twice a month. Since then, it's more like once a season and only for one of two reasons…

  1. I'm going somewhere, I need to grab a meal in a hurry and there's a McDonald's there. It's probably the fastest of all fast foods.
  2. I'm traveling. McDonald's is often my best/only choice in an airport. Plus, there's this…

I have, as I've explained here before, a wide array of food allergies and intolerances. I am therefore not fond of new (to me) restaurants and especially of exotic menus and adventurous dining. Being in strange places can mean eating unfamiliar things…and my stomach really likes having something recognizable in it at times. It would prefer better recognizable food than McDonald's but it does appreciate recognizable. I have sometimes heard a little voice in my tummy say, "Thank you. We know what this is and how to handle it!"

All of this is leading up to a story that probably isn't worth much leading-up to but I've already come this far. Last week, I had gone even farther and was miles from home, miles from anyplace better than a McDonald's. I have already told you of the horrible experience when Carolyn and I dined at a Coco's. The next day, in much the same predicament, I went to a McDonald's.

I could feel my stomach smile as I walked in, not because it expected the chow to be great but because it knew: There would be no surprises.

Well, there was one. I couldn't find the basic McDonald's hamburger on the illuminated menu.

I looked over and over it. I found cheeseburgers but I don't like cheese on burgers. I found the Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger. I saw the BBQ Ranch Burger. I spotted the Bacon Habanero Ranch Quarter Pounder. I saw the Big Mac of course. (All of those have cheese. Currently on the McDonald's website, the menu option shows fifteen different hamburgers. Fourteen of them come standard with cheese.)

But they didn't have that basic cheeseless hamburger, the one I've been having there since I was a tot, the one upon which the entire McDonald's empire was founded. It wasn't anywhere on the menu except as an option on the Happy Meal which I don't think you can order when you're 62, no matter how damned happy you are. I figured I was going to have to order a cheeseburger and have them leave off the cheese, which I've sometimes had to do in other fast food places.

I asked the counterman, "Do you still have hamburgers without cheese?"

"Oh, sure," he said. And then he added, as if letting me in on some fact that even Edward Snowden doesn't know, "They're on our Secret Menu!"

Yesterday morning, my friend Jewel drove me to LAX for my trip to Phoenix, which is where I am now.  I didn't have anything to eat before leaving the house so I sought sustenance at Terminal 1.  My only option?  McDonald's.  I went and got myself a Sausage Biscuit with Egg, which is one of the few breakfast sandwiches in all of America that comes without cheese.  (I have, by the way, nothing against cheese.  Not as long as it's where it belongs, which is in or on pizza, lasagna, chicken parmesan and French onion soup.)

My stomach welcomed the familiarity of the McDonald's sandwich and thought for a moment we — that is to say, my stomach and I — were in New York. When I'm in New York, I usually start my day with a McDonald's Sausage Biscuit with Egg. This is to make it up to my stomach for any unfamiliar foods it may need to process between then and bedtime.

As I waited for the sausage patty to be placed on the biscuit and for the odd, folded thing they claim is an egg to be placed on top, I asked the counterman, "Excuse me…I'm looking and I don't see it. Do you still have the basic hamburger here?"

He said, "Sure" and looked to find it on the display above…and couldn't. He asked a lady who worked alongside him where it was and she said "Oh, it's right there" and she pointed to something she couldn't find, either. Other employees were enlisted in the search and they were all baffled. They were all certain it was up there someplace but they couldn't locate it.

Finally, as the counterguy handed me and my stomach our Sausage Biscuit with Egg, he said, "I can't find it but I have a key for it on my little cash register here. People order it all the time."

I leaned over so only he could hear and I whispered, "If no one's eavesdropping, tell them it's on the Secret Menu."

She's Not Rising


Hello from Phoenix where I think I'm beginning to understand some of the political antics of this state now. When you live in this kind of heat, you're bound to do crazy things. It hit 105° today and if that doesn't horrify you, the AccuWeather people have come up with something called RealFeel™ which tells you it's 105 but that it feels like 111. Gee, thanks. Science is always working to make you feel worse.

This trip to appear at the Phoenix Comicon was the first time I've flown in about a year. When did Security get to be so simple? Didn't have to take my shoes off. Didn't have to take everything out of my laptop case. Didn't even have to strike that statue-like pose in the full-body scanner when via which some non-smirking TSA employee sees you naked. I used to enjoy that part.

OK flight on Southwest including (I'm not kidding) an a cappella song on the P.A. system from one of the flight attendants…and she wasn't bad. I've heard worse on Brittney Spears videos.

Long wait for the limo. Long line at the hotel check-in. Long, long line to get my badge. After what seemed like hours, I made it to a window that said "Guest, Professional, Panelist Registration" where I told the lady I was all three. Given that and the amount of time it took me to get to the front of the line, I thought I deserved three badges.

Somewhere in there, famished for want of food, I ducked into the most convenient place, which was an Einstein Brothers Bagel Shop. Every time I see one of those places, I expect to go inside and see Albert Brooks and Super Dave Osborne behind the counter.

They have me at Table 2222, a nice easy number to remember. I brought absolutely nothing to display or sell — I never do — so I guess it'll just be me sitting there the next three days. Today, I actually signed an issue of Groo that Sergio hadn't already signed. How that one got past him, I'll never know.

I chatted with Don Rosa, Wendy and Richard Pini, Mike Baron, Katie Cook and many others. Another old friend (and a fine writer-artist) Dan Jurgens and I had dinner together in the revolving rooftop restaurant at the Hyatt. It's called the Compass and it makes an entire 360° revolution every fifty-five minutes…a fact I elicited from our server. Actually, I peppered her with a lot of questions about the place since this was my first meal in a revolving restaurant. With great patience, she told me that no, they can't make the room go counter-clockwise. And no, they don't put Dramamine in the food to help diners who are prone to motion sickness.

Dan and I talked about the Old Days in comics…and our mutual amazement that we've been in the business long enough to have Old Days. When seemingly grown people tell me, "I started reading your books when I was ten," I look about, fully expecting to see Joe Kubert or Jack Kirby behind me. That has to be who those people at my table are talking to, right?

Today's Video Link

Let's pay a visit to Greg's Kitchen — where even the simplest recipe can sound kind of freaky…


Dale Herbest asked me this question over on Facebook and I felt like answering it here…

I'm sure you've been asked this before but here goes. With Comic-Con right around the corner, do you ever get distressed or upset that the event has become a mecca for all geek things, not just comic books. You know TV, movies, and video games? Personally, I love it as it celebrates all things and appeals to many different factions. Since you've been around since the event was launched, how do you sum-up its evolution?

I love Comic-Con. I wouldn't want every convention to be like that but…well, sometimes the complaints I hear about it sound like the person is saying, "I wish Disneyland was a tiny little place with just a couple of merry-go-rounds and one roller coaster." The kind of thing some folks wish Comic-Con was either (a) exists elsewhere in sufficient quantity or (b) cannot possibly exist anywhere. A few weeks ago, I got a message from someone who — and I'm not exaggerating by much here — wishes we could return to those days at the El Cortez where the convention was sitting by the pool and talking with Jack Kirby. Yeah, and I wish Johnny Carson was still hosting The Tonight Show and comics were still twelve cents.

I do not mind the presence of TV and movies and video games because, like it or not, that's the current comic book industry. That's what Marvel and DC are all about now: TV and movies and video games. Superman and Spider-Man stopped being comic book characters a long time ago. Now they're characters that exist in every possible medium, one of which happens to be comic books. Tomorrow, if all comic books ceased publication, it would not affect Superman and Spider-Man and other such properties very much.

Now, you can complain that Comic-Con is about all that stuff. It seems more logical to me to lament what the comic book business has become — and oh, by the way, all the complaining in the world isn't going to change either.

So the question comes down to this: Are you going to just look at what it isn't (and have a lousy time or better still, not attend) or are you going to hop on for the ride and find all the things about it that you can enjoy?

For me, Comic-Con is 4.5 solid days of Stuff To Do. My calendar is absolutely jammed with events I like hosting, events I like attending, meetings, people to see, people to eat with, etc. When there's a moment open between items on my schedule, it's fun to just walk around and look at things…and I always run into folks I enjoy seeing. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

I am off today — leaving in less than an hour so I have to type fast — for the Phoenix Comicon. In the last few years, I largely gave up conventions that weren't Comic-Con or WonderCon because I was finding myself bored (or occasionally, not treated all that well) at conventions that weren't Comic-Con or WonderCon. I decided it was time to try another one…and lots of folks told me this was a good one.

If I don't like it, I suspect it will be because of me and not the convention. When people tell me they don't like Comic-Con in San Diego, I usually think that's the problem.

Gotta pack.

Go Read It!

Here's a nice profile on Gilbert Gottfried, a man I find very funny and there's a lot in it about another man I find very funny, Professor Irwin Corey. Gottfried is so good that I can occasionally stand to listen to a little of Howard Stern when he's on…but no other times.

Today's Video Link

I'd link to more Jon Stewart but Comedy Central's video embeds are kinda buggy and have been known to do odd things to this site. This is an embed from Vimeo so let's see if it works any better. It's one of the cleverer segments I think the show has done in a while. (And does anyone know the song the correspondents are dancing to at the end?)


[UPDATE, AN HOUR LATER: As more than fifty of you have informed me, the song is "Happy" by Pharrel Williams. Thank you all.]

Recommended Reading

Is Google destroying your memory? I know I have more trouble remembering a phone number once I've entered it into a speed-dial slot on my phone. Is the ability to look things up on Google and other 'net sources causing us to not learn stuff? Here's what Alice Robb has to say about this.

Recommended Reading

Frank Rich on who was responsible for the utter mess, based on some pretty incompetent leadership and outright lies, that was the War in Iraq and still is, as of this moment, the War in Afghanistan. It's quite amazing how many people were wrong about…well, everything. And they weren't only named Bush and Cheney. Way too many of them were allegedly-liberal Democrats.

One of the reasons I can't get at all worked up over Obama's supposed mishandling of Benghazi is that even if we believe the worse possible interpretation of his administration's actions — and you'd have to swallow a lot of lies and nonsense to do that — it's all still a microscopic fraction of the screw-ups and fabrications of Iraq and Afghanistan. And the folks screaming about Benghazi are all people who treated those two wars like minor typographical errors, easily overlooked.

Today on Stu's Show!


Well, let's see who Stu Shostak has bagged as a guest this week. Oh, look! It seems to be me making my zillion and first appearance. In the previous zillion, we never got around to talking much about writing so that's what we're aiming to discuss this visit: Writing…and how one breaks in, how one stays in, how one breaks out, etc. I have much to say on the topic. Whether we'll stick to it or not remains to be seen…or heard.

Oh! The photo above is of me at an early seventies comic convention, sitting with the great Jack Kirby. I don't expect to be mentioning Jack much if at all on Stu's Show tomorrow but I needed to put up a photo of myself to illustrate this item and this seemed more interesting than anything else I had. Remind me to tell you sometime about the Disneyland Con, which was such a disaster that the guy who ran it disappeared immediately after it.

Stu's Show can be heard live (almost) every Wednesday at the Stu's Show website and you can listen for free there and then. Webcasts start at 4 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Eastern and other times in other climes. They run a minimum of two hours and sometimes go to three or beyond. I may just babble on and on until my next appearance on Stu's Show, some time in the Spring of 2015. Anyway, shortly after a show concludes, it's available for downloading from the Archives on that site. Downloads are a measly 99 cents each and you can get four for the price of three. Order this newest one with me and three others and it'll feel like you got the one I'm on for free.

Today's Video Link

In case you missed John Oliver this week…

With a Rubber Hose…

The cable channel MeTV is rerunning episodes of the schoolroom sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter, which was the first TV series on which I had a staff job. This was back in 1976, back when I was teamed with a talented gent named Dennis Palumbo. The one they ran last Friday night was the first one we worked on, though somehow our names didn't get into its credits.

It was the episode I wrote about here.  Groucho Marx came to the set to do a cameo guest shot for it but his health simply wasn't up to it. Instead, pictures were taken of Mr. Marx with the cast and he went home. He looked very sick and very sad, and I assume that's why to this day I've never seen one of those photos anywhere.

There are a couple of interesting stories about the episode which runs this evening, which was called "Horshack Vs. Carvelli." Don't worry. I won't be doing this about all of them.

Dennis and I were hired as story editors during a sort of general coup. The network and the show's star Gabe Kaplan were unhappy with the direction the show was taking. They felt there had been too much emphasis on jokes and silliness, not enough on story and character. That was pretty much the way the show's Executive Producer Jimmie Komack wanted it but no one else did. In a move echoed somewhat by recent news out of the Ukraine, Jimmie was elbowed to one side and a course-correction was instituted.

For what it's worth, I thought Gabe Kaplan was very smart and very right. Absolutely none of the changes he wanted to see come about had anything to do with how much attention or how many laughs he got on the series. As far as he was concerned, Mr. Kotter could become a mute extra on The John Travolta Show if that show was good.

The old producers and story editors were surely capable of changing the direction to what ABC and Gabe wanted but the way things sometimes work in television is that you change the tone by changing the staff. Most of them were ousted and Dennis and I were, I believe, the first newly-hired members of the creative team charged with taking the show back towards its original concept. At least, we were the first ones to report for work.

This particular episode was a transitional one. The outgoing producers had developed it with a freelance writer and he'd delivered a pretty good script…that is, according to the old standard. The producers who'd hired him had gotten what they wanted but those producers were producing no longer, and the script was exactly what the new regime didn't want. Dennis and I were charged with doing a full rewrite of the script to make it into what the folks now in charge wanted the show to be.

The story had to do with a boxing match in which Arnold Horshack, the wimpy/whiny member of Mr. Kotter's class, went up against a recurring character named Carvelli — a street tough from a rival school. Everyone expected Arnold to get flattened and in the final draft by the freelancer, there was a gimmicky twist and Arnold wound up winning. Among the many changes Dennis and I made was to dump the gimmicky twist and have Arnold lose…but then to be hailed as a hero just for having the guts to step into the ring.

As it was going into production, another new producer and a couple more writers were joining the staff and they pitched in on subsequent rewrites. On Kotter, every script was rewritten extensively throughout rehearsals and by the time this one was taped, nothing remained of the original writer's work except the notion of Horshack boxing Carvelli. Page One Rewrites, as they're called, happen on just about every sitcom from time to time — on some, every time — and are usually not a reflection on the skills of the original writer.


During the rehearsal process, Dennis and I continued rewriting along with everyone else. At times, we were rewriting others' rewrites of our rewrites. One moment I will never forget occurred around 4 AM one morning as we were huddled in a dank, windowless office on the ABC lot, floundering about in what must have been about the ninth draft. One or both of us decided that the boxing match scene needed some preliminary business before the match commenced so we added in two things.

One was to have Mr. Woodman — the principal of the school, functioning here as referee — introduce a former student sitting ringside…Dino "Crazy" Delaney. "Crazy" had been mentioned in earlier episodes but had never been seen. We stuck him in there. George Tricker, one of the newly-hired writers on the show, wound up playing the wordless part. I believe he was cut out of syndication prints when they had to trim to make room for more commercials so he may not appear on MeTV.

Then I turned to Dennis and said, "You know what this scene needs? It needs cheerleaders."

Dennis looked at me through bleary eyes. "Cheerleaders?"

I said, "Yes, cheerleaders. People love cheerleaders. There has never been a motion picture or TV show that could not be improved by cheerleaders. If Gone With the Wind had had cheerleaders in it, it might have become a timeless classic."

Dennis stared at me for a long moment, then said — because at 4 AM, almost anything can sound like a good idea — "Okay, fine. Cheerleaders." I wrote in a description of four female students in cheerleader costumes doing a little routine at ringside before the match. They chanted — and it will take me exactly as long to type it here as it did to write it that night —

Horshack! Horshack! We're with you!
Rock him! Sock him! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" was, of course, Horshack's catch-phrase on the show. Someone had stolen Joe E. Ross's old catch-phrase and added another "Ooh!" Just to make it different.

We finished the rewrite, sent it off to be retyped, copied and distributed, then went to our respective homes to crash. The next morning around 11 AM, I staggered into the studio. I did a lot of staggering while on Kotter and I've never had a drink in my life. On stage there — don't ask me how this was arranged so fast — were four young women in cheerleader costumes plus a choreographer. They were practicing the cheer.

It was kind of a stunning moment for me. Something I'd written seven hours earlier had somehow become a reality. It reminded me of when I was much younger and could occasionally master a real good magic trick. It was like, "Gee, how did I do that?"

Just then, the Associate Producer came up to me and said in a grumbling manner that between giving lines to four extras, hiring the choreographer and making the costumes, our little addition had cost the show about fifteen hundred dollars. I said, because I honestly didn't know how much trouble we were in, "Are you telling me we shouldn't have written that in?"

She didn't say yes. She didn't say no. But she did say, "I think the joke would have been just as funny with two girls."

One of those girls, by the way, was Kristine Greco, who I wrote about here. I had met her a few weeks before and we'd begun going out. It was because of the cheerleader bit that we decided to keep our friendship secret. She didn't want people to think she'd gotten a line on the show because of her relationship with one of the writers. I didn't want people to think I'd written it in just for her because…well, you can figure out why not. I hadn't even thought of who they'd get to play the cheerleaders because, you know, it was 4 AM.

Another one of the cheerleaders was Elaine Ballace, who I mentioned here and who I still occasionally see at autograph shows and Hollywood-type events.

A month or two later, I went with Gabe Kaplan to the taping of one of those Battle of the Network Stars athletic events. He was the captain of a team of stars from ABC shows, competing against the CBS team (captained by Telly Savalas) and an NBC team (helmed by Robert Conrad). They did them at Pepperdine University in Malibu and the bleachers were filled with students who had turned out to see the celebrities, especially Jaclyn Smith, get wet. I missed Jaclyn getting out of the pool but in the dressing room, I did see Hal Linden naked.

At one point, Gabe and I were walking by the stands and suddenly, about thirty young women leaped up and with a little bit of improvised terpsichore, chanted…

Kotter! Kotter! We're with you!
Rock him! Sock him! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Gabe grinned and waved to them, then turned to me and asked, "Didn't you write that?"

What I said in response was a pretty dumb thing, even for me. I said, "Yeah…where'd they hear it?"

Gabe said, "Maybe they own television sets, you putz!"

Oh, yeah…

Getting back to the episode, I remember two other things that might interest someone. During our first rewrite, Dennis and I had decided to give Carvelli a sidekick. We specified that he be black and I'm pretty sure I was the one who decided to name him Murray. I used to name a lot of characters Murray back then. The casting director recommended a black actor for the part and he was hired and began rehearsing.

It took an hour or two but we all realized he was wrong for the part. He was a very large Murray — tall, wide and built like a Sumo. Carvelli was supposed to be the tough guy who was certain to pound Horshack into library paste…but standing next to this actor, Charlie Fleischer didn't look so menacing. The large black guy was replaced with a smaller black guy, an actor named Bob Harcum who turned out to be so funny that he was brought back to appear on the show several times. Since Dennis and I were not the credited writers of that episode, we did not receive the payments that go to a writer when a character he or she originates appears again.

Another memory. At the last minute, our producer rewrote a line of Gabe's at the end, at the part of the story where he's telling Arnold that though he lost the fight, he won a victory just by showing up. Mr. Kotter said, "As far as we're concerned, you're the gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown." That's a line from a song in West Side Story and it prompted a Defcon-2 Alert from the show's Standards and Practices supervisor.

TV shows don't really have such people now but back then, they were everywhere, interfering and destroying humor in a futile effort to achieve two goals. One was to stop the show and network from being sued. The other was to make sure nothing was said or shown that would spark protests and angry mail. The lady from Broadcast Standards insisted Gabe couldn't say the line because it would surely lead to legal action from…

Well, I don't know. Stephen Sondheim, maybe…or the producers of West Side Story. Perhaps the show would have to pay a music clearance fee and who knew how much that could be?

As I recall, this was not noticed or raised until the final taping and so after the audience was released, everyone stood around on the stage arguing, with the Standards Lady insisting an alternate line be written, taped and substituted. Gabe Kaplan, backed up by others, insisted that it was fine. The line was spoken, not sung. More arguing ensued.

The Standards Lady asked the producers to keep everyone there and in wardrobe for that scene while she went off and phoned someone higher-up at ABC Legal. Gabe Kaplan said, "You can call whoever you like but Mr. Kotter is not saying any other line and I'm going to go get out of these clothes," and he headed for his dressing room. That ended the taping for that evening and I never heard anyone mention any problem with the line again. No one sued. No fees were paid. Nothing.

This was my first experience with Broadcast Standards. As I would soon learn, though they seemed to fill an important need, there was a problem with the whole system. That problem was that the people charged with flagging content that might cause legal problems or public outrage were darn near Always Wrong. If they said Act One was fine but Act Two would spark lawsuits and protests, you could just about bet the family jewels that there would be no hassle over Act Two and if there was any trouble, it would be with Act One. I would accrue many more examples of this throughout my days in network television.

I don't remember much else about this episode and I've already gone on about it a lot longer than it deserves. I was not thrilled with a lot of the final product on that series but I thought this was one of the better ones. Anyway, it's on MeTV tonight, in case you have MeTV and want to catch it and haven't already missed it while reading this.

Oh, wait. I do have to tell you one other thing about it. Remember that outside writer whose work was so totally rewritten? Well, Dennis and I hadn't met him before we did that but we made a point of letting him know what had happened and that he hadn't failed. He had simply done a script for a show that always rewrote heavily and he'd done it adhering to guidelines that through no fault of his were no longer applicable. He absolutely understood.

Still, the experience got him to wondering if maybe he was in the wrong end of his profession. He'd always wanted to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian and writing for sitcoms, which he'd done briefly, began to feel like a mistake to him. Instead, he began to focus on performing.

About three years later, I went out to the Ice House, a popular club in Pasadena to see a friend of mine, Frank Welker, performing. To my surprise, Frank's opening act was that writer and he was very, very funny. His name was Garry Shandling. I believe the next time he wrote for a sitcom, his name was in the title. Wonder if anyone rewrote him then.

Mushroom Soup Monday


Once again, we opt to take Monday off from serious blogging…though I still seem to put up more than most people do normally. I have deadlines and meetings and meetings and deadlines and I want to go to Phoenix with nothing seriously due.

Before I submerge, though: Yes, I felt the earthquake last night. I guessed at the time it was about a 3.3 and far away from me, and was surprised to hear it was a 4.2 and fairly nearby. No damage here or, apparently, anywhere.

Folks who write me to ask for advice on becoming (or remaining) a professional writer might want to listen to Stu's Show this week. I'm the guest on Wednesday. I'll post a fancier announcement that morning.

I will see you tomorrow here…or sooner if we have breaking news. Actually, these days on cable, all news seems to be breaking. Maybe that's why all those channels seem to be seriously broken.

Today's Video Link

John Wilson and his Orchestra with a medley of great songs from MGM movies…

Where I'll Be

This coming weekend, June 5-8, I'm a guest at the Phoenix Comicon in glorious Phoenix, Arizona where the temperatures are not forecast to get much below 106° — and boy, I hope that's Fahrenheit. I get there mid-day Thursday, leave late Sunday and will be hanging around the con most of the time it's open…I guess. All I know is that I will be on five panels…

  • An Animated Career: Friday 12:00pm – 1:00pm
  • Adapting Cartoon Characters for Comics : Friday 4:30pm – 5:30pm
  • Spotlight: Mark Evanier: Saturday 1:30pm – 2:30pm
  • Jack Kirby: King of Comic Books: Saturday 6:00pm – 7:00pm
  • 30 Years and Counting: Comics Classics in the Modern Age: Sunday 12:00pm – 1:00pm

I've never been to a convention in Phoenix before but folks tell me this is a real good one. I'm looking forward to everything about it except going outside.