Monday Afternoon

You know, I really don't know what to think of this Hobby Lobby thing. One of the weird things about discussions on the Internet is that every time an election is won or a major decision comes down, you can always find a couple of articles saying the winners were the losers and the losers were the winners. Back when I occasionally tuned in Rush Limbaugh, he was a special master of this. Republicans would lose a big vote somewhere and you could count on Rush to shout, "This is the best thing that could have happened to us! Democrats will regret the day they won this one." I never got the sense in those cases that he would have said the opposite if they'd lost: "Oh, we'll regret our victory!"

So yeah, this could lead to legislation, the battle over which could force Republicans into positions that will cost them more of the female vote. And yeah, the Supreme Court didn't go as far as some right-wingers hoped, suggesting they won't in future cases. And yeah and yeah and yeah and reading all the debate, my overriding feeling is that this again proves that an employer-based health insurance system is impractical and we should unlink Who You Work For from What Medical Coverage You Have.

The current set-up has never made a lot of sense and this makes it worse. Let's say this decision gets carried to other matters beyond abortion.  It does seem like it's just a matter of that…and just a matter of condemning sex not for procreation.  But let's say it extends past that.  Let's say you're working for a family-based company and getting your insurance through them…and let's say they were all Christian Scientists and you're not. And let's say you came down with a terrible disease, the kind that most doctors would say requires immediate surgery. Are they going to tell you because of their faith, that's not covered and instead of going to a hospital, you have to go to a reading room?